I am getting closer to a workable modernization of Dylanchords.
It may have been a charmingly retro-looking site from the ancient days before social media and web 2.0, but it’s also been a bit of a hassle to work with. I’ve therefore been working on and off (mostly off) for some years now to modernize it, and now I’m almost there.
What you are seeing here is still to some extent a draft, but it should be a mostly workable one, in the sense that all the contents are here (apart from the Beatles stuff, which is on its way). The seach and the basic navigation should be working. There may be wrong internal links, here and there, and structural features that I just haven’t built yet, but it’s working, and all new contents will appear here. The old site at will forever remain the relic from the 90s that can be downloaded as a zip file.
User accounts
You can create a user account, but there isn’t much you can do with it yet, really. In the future, there will be thee things you can do:
- A forum for comments etc. The tab files themselves should be clean, so no comments there; any discussion should be held elsewhere.
- Requests, corrections, error reports. This you can already do. Go to the Requests page in the menu and see.
— This will never be a wiki where anyone can edit, but there are tasks that a number of Trusted Users can do, e.g. correct typos, moderate forum posts, etc. If you feel like a Trusted User, let me know.
Markie1978 replied on Permalink
Thanks Eyolf
Thank you so much for all your accurate tabs and chords for all these years!
Elmo Fripp replied on Permalink
Eyolf - You have labored for
Eyolf - You have labored for years to offer a complete repository of the most accurate Dylan guitar transcriptions and superbly-written critical pieces. Your work has benefitted so many around the world. Your site has been an invaluable resource for me personally, and now you've modernized the interface. Thank you so much. All you do is greatly appreciated!
Nightingale's Code replied on Permalink
Thanks So Much!
Can't thank you enough for your wonderful site over the years. It looks better than ever now, thanks again!
Ceremonies of t... replied on Permalink
Timothy C Swaddling replied on Permalink
Amazing - after all these
Amazing - after all these years I can interact with the amazing website! Thanks for all your incredible work over the years on these. And thanks for getting around to working on Fallen Angels and other recent releases too. Greatly appreciated.
eyolf replied on Permalink
You’re welcome! Wasn’t you
You’re welcome! Wasn’t you one of those who insisted I do Fallen Angels as well? If so, one way to repay me for my tribulations (quite interesting ones, actually) would be to submit a request or a bug report — just to check that the system works…
mdonovan replied on Permalink
Much Appreciate Your Longstanding Commitment
Spending considerable time reflecting on Street Legal because it is so heavily represented in the Girl from the North Country musical. Sort of a blank phase in my Dylan knowledge. Some of his most evocative writing combined with a sound and style that wasn't carried over to the theater production. Interesting contrasts. Thanks again - have spent lots of quality time here over the years.
philippe081 replied on Permalink
thank You
a site dedicated to a much admired nobel prize. that's quite something!!!
Elston replied on Permalink
Thank you
Thank you for the tabbing and keeping the site alive all these years! I can't imagine how many hours i've spent here over the years.
vlade replied on Permalink
hip, hip,
hurrah !
Claret1 replied on Permalink
Magic ears! I am amazed at how you work out the tabs.
I struggle to work out the basic chords for songs where the music is not too complex. Can you give any tips on how to go about producing the tabs? Anyhow many thanks for your websites.