F Diamond Joe come and get me C My wife done quit me C G Diamond Joe, you better come and get me, C Diamond Joe
Gonna buy me a jug of rum, Gonna give my baby some Diamond Joe, you better come and get me, Diamond Joe.
Diamond Joe come and get me My wife done quit me Diamond Joe, you better come and get me, Diamond Joe
[Instrumental verse] Gonna buy me a jug of whiskey Gonna make my baby frisky Diamond Joe, you better come and get me, Diamond Joe.
Diamond Joe come and get me My wife done quit me Diamond Joe, you better come and get me, Diamond Joe
[Instrumental verse] Gonna buy me a sack of flour Cook hoe-cakes by the hour Diamond Joe, you better come and get me, Diamond Joe
Diamond Joe come and get me My wife done quit me Diamond Joe, you better come and get me, Diamond Joe
[2 Instrumental verses]
Diamond Joe come and get me My wife done quit me Diamond Joe, you better come and get me, Diamond Joe Diamond Joe come and get me My wife done quit me Diamond Joe, you better come and get me, Diamond Joe
The Story of Joseph Reynolds: http://asms.k12.ar.us/armem/crites/djbio.htm
Riverboats (register): http://members.tripod.com/~Write4801/owners/d.html,
Mudcat entry: http://www.mudcat.org/@displaysong.cfm?SongID=1558 (see also the related threads)